Privacy Policy

We would love to show you how AXIONIC
can help your business

Privacy Policy

Last update: May 2023

This privacy statement is effective as of November 2022. Please note that this privacy statement will regularly be updated to reflect any changes in the way we handle your personal data or any changes in applicable laws.

Thank you for visiting our website ( and/or its affiliates ("Axionic") and for your interest in Axionic products.

Your privacy is important to us, and we want you to feel comfortable visiting our mobile app and website. In view of this, we have created this Privacy Policy. Axionic treats Personal Information in accordance with applicable data protection laws.

This page tells you everything you need to know about how Axionic protects the personal data we process and control relating to you (“your personal data;” "your data") and which rights you have in relation to the processing of your personal data.

About our Privacy Notice

1. What are the purpose and the scope of this Privacy Policy?

This Privacy Policy describes the type of Personal Information Axionic collects from users of mobile applications and websites, the method of collection, and the purposes for which Axionic may use, share, or disclose such information.

The term "Personal Information," as used in this Privacy Policy, refers to information such as your name, e-mail address, mailing address, telephone number, etc., that can be used to identify you.

Using the Axionic mobile application and website, you consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of Personal Information as this Privacy Policy outlines. If you disagree with this Privacy Policy, do not proceed to further Axionic websites.

2. What information do we collect about you?

We may collect data, which alone or in combination with other information could be used to identify you. We collect Personal Information about you when you register with us (i.e., by the registration form or by signing up for a newsletter) or provide feedback to our websites. This includes information about our employees, potential employees, clients, suppliers, business contacts, shareholders, application, and website users.

We may also collect data that is required to provide, operate, learn, customize, support, market, and/or improve our services. For example, you must give us your mobile phone details to create an account and avail of our services.

For the data not listed in this privacy statement, we give appropriate notice to individuals (when required by law) of which other data we may collect and how the data will be used.

Information You Provide: We may collect information when you create an account to communicate with us or avail of our services. This includes:

Account Information: We collect information about your activity on our Services. You must provide your name, contact information, and email to create an account with us. Without this information, you will not be able to avail of our services. This also includes your photo to identify you, either directly or in combination with other information that we possess. It depends entirely on the account owner's settings what you choose to share. To add content, like pictures or videos, you may allow us to access your camera or photo album. This is only for legitimate purposes permitted by applicable law. Some of the information you choose to provide us with may be considered “special” or “sensitive” in certain jurisdictions, for example photo, video, audio. By choosing to provide this information, you consent to our processing of the information. When you sign up as a member, we may reach out to you as per your settings.

Communication Information: If you communicate with us, we may collect your content, such as Audio, Voice, Images, and Video. We do not retain any of this media in the ordinary course. This media content is stored on your device only instead of our servers. We may manage this information for you but in a way that no content that identified by us. Moreover, this media content is stored in encrypted form to aid in efficient delivery.

Audio and Video Metadata: We may receive, capture and store metadata derived from your use of features such as audios or clips, and additional related data such as data regarding the date and time of your call and the authorized User that you connected with.

Contact Information: We may request access to your contact list with the phone numbers in your address book on a regular basis, permitted by applicable laws. This also includes phone numbers of users availing our services and your other contacts applicable by law. If any of your contacts are not using our Services, we will handle their information for you in a way that protects their identity.

Customer Support and Other Communications: When you reach out or connect with us for customer support and/or when you communicate with us in any other way, you may provide us with information regarding your use of our services. This can include copies of your messages, any additional information that you feel would be helpful, and your contact details, such as your phone number, email address. For instance, you may send us an email containing details about issues you're facing with our app's performance, or you can call our customer support describing the issues that you are encountering.

Data with Special Permissions: Some of the information you chose to share with us such as Contacts, Media like images and videos, Phone, Camera, Microphone, Nearby Devices, Notifications, and Location along with other information (such as racial or ethnic origin) may be considered “special” or “sensitive” under the laws of your country. By choosing to provide this information, you consent to our processing of the information. When you sign up as a member or you set up an alert on the Platform, we may reach out to you as per your settings. It is limited to app and service functionality and policy-conforming purposes reasonably expected by the user. We may also transfer data as necessary to service providers or for legal reasons such as to comply with a valid governmental request, applicable law, or as part of a merger or acquisition with legally adequate notice to users. We also employ screen overlays in Android applications to support background and killed state calls.

All personal and sensitive user data is handled securely, including transmitting it using modern cryptography (for example, over HTTPS). We use a runtime permissions request whenever available, prior to accessing data gated by permissions. We do not exchange or transfer personal and sensitive user data to a third party for monetary consideration.

We ensure end-to-end encryption of our services. All your information is encrypted to protect against us and third parties. Our Services have optional features that require us to gather additional information from you in order to provide them. We will notify you of any such collection as appropriate when necessary. If you choose not to provide the information required for a feature, you will not be able to use that feature. For instance, sharing your location with your contacts requires us to collect your device's location data. You can manage permissions for these features by accessing your Settings menu on Android and iOS devices.

Information We Receive Automatically from Your Use of Services: When you use, visit, and interact with services, we may receive the following information (Technical)

Log Data: We collect information about your activity on our services, such as service-related, diagnostic, and performance data. This also includes information that your browser auto-sends when you interact with our website. This includes IP address, browser type & settings, date & time of the request, and how you have interacted.

Usage Data: We may auto-collect data about your use of the services. This includes the type of content you view, feature you use, action you take, country, date, time, and the like. This also includes information about when you registered to use our Services; the features you use like our messaging, calling, or business features; profile photo, "about" information; whether you are online, when you last used our Services (your "last seen"); and when you last updated your "about" information.

Cookies: We use cookies to operate and administer your activity and improve your experience of it. You can set your browser to accept all cookies, reject all cookies, or notify you whenever a cookie is offered so that you can decide each time whether to accept it. For details, please refer to the Cookies and Web Analytics/Opt-out section of this Privacy Policy.

Device and Connection Information: We may collect device and connection-specific information when you access, install, or use our services. This includes information like name of the device, OS, browser, battery level, signal strength, app version, browser information, mobile network, connection information (including phone number, mobile operator or ISP), language and time zone, IP address, device operations information, and identifiers (including identifiers unique to our services associated with same device or account). It depends upon the type of device you use and its settings.

Location Information: With your consent, we gather and utilize precise location data from your device when you use location-related features, such as sharing your location with your contacts or viewing nearby locations or locations shared by others. You can adjust your device's settings or the in-app settings to manage location-sharing preferences. Additionally, we may estimate your general location (e.g., city and country) using IP addresses and other information such as phone number area codes, even if you do not utilize our location-related features. We also employ your location data to aid in diagnostics and troubleshooting.

Third-Party Information

Information Others Provide About You: We may receive information about you from other users who utilize our Services. For instance, users in your network who use our platform may provide us with your name, phone number, and other relevant information sourced from their mobile address book. They may also send you messages or place calls to you. However, we require these users to have the legal rights to collect, use, and disclose your information before sharing it with us. You should keep in mind that in general any user can capture screenshots of your chats or messages or make recordings of your calls with them.

Third-Party Service Providers: We work with third-party service providers to help us operate, provide, improve, understand, customize, support, and market our Services. For example, we use SDKs to facilitate audio and video calls. Alike, w work with others to distribute our apps; provide cybersecurity support; supply location, map, and places information; process payments; help us understand how people use our Services; market our Services; help you connect with businesses using our Services; conduct surveys and research for us; ensure safety, security, and integrity; and help with customer service. These companies may provide us with information about you in certain circumstances; for example, app stores may provide us with reports to help us diagnose and fix service issues.

If you choose to withhold any Personal Information requested by us, it may not be possible for you to have complete access to our services or functions of the mobile application or website and for us to respond to your query.

3. How will we use the information about you?

We use your personal data for the purpose indicated in this Privacy Policy at the time of collection but to the extent permitted by applicable law. The prime goal is to provide you with a rich, consistent, and interactive experience.

We use the information to:

  • Administer, support, and obtain feedback on the level of our services;
  • Prevent breaches of security, the law, or our contract terms;
  • Provide you with information about products or accessories you may request;
  • Market products and services that may be of interest to you (including by e-mail) or to communicate with you;
  • Improve and develop our products and services;
  • Personalize our products and make recommendations;
  • And operate our business, which includes analyzing our performance, meeting our legal obligations, developing our workforce, and doing research.

We also use this content, especially Audio, Video, Images, Mobile Numbers, and Email to help you make informed business decisions, and for other legitimate purposes.

To be precise, here's how:

Our Services: We utilize the information we have to operate and deliver our services effectively. This includes providing customer support, enhancing and personalizing our Services, and integrating our Services with SDKs you may utilize. Moreover, we analyze the information we have to better understand how people use our Services. This helps us to evaluate and improve our Services, research and develop new services and features, and carry out troubleshooting activities. When you contact us, we also use your information to respond to your queries and provide necessary assistance.

Safety, Security, And Integrity: Safety, security, and integrity are an integral part of our Services. We use information we have to verify accounts and activity; combat harmful conduct; protect users against bad experiences and spam; and promote safety, security, and integrity on and off our Services, such as by investigating suspicious activity or violations of our Terms and policies, and to ensure our Services are being used legally.

Communications About Our Services: We use information we have to communicate with you about our Services and let you know about our terms, policies, and other important updates. We may provide you marketing for our Services.

No Third-Party Banner Ads: As of now, we still do not allow third-party banner ads on our Services. We also do not have any intention to introduce them, but if we ever do, we will update this Privacy Policy asap.

Business Interactions: Our Services allow you and third parties, such as businesses, to communicate and engage with each other. For instance, businesses can use our services to talk internally with teams and have client calls. We sometimes send messages about new product features, promotional communications or other news about services. These are marketing messages, so you can control whether you receive them. Nonetheless, we aim to provide a spam-free experience, and you have the power to manage these communications. We respect and will honor the choices you make regarding these communications.

If you wish to opt out from receiving such communication from us, please inform
Any communication or material you transmit to Axionic by electronic mail or other electronic devices, including any data, comments, suggestions, or the like, will be treated as non-confidential and non-proprietary.
You agree that Axionic may use such communication or material for the above-mentioned purposes.

4. Information sharing | Data transfer abroad

As Axionic is a global and one of the fastest growing companies in the mobile accessories category in the United States, we may disclose your Personal Information to other Axionic affiliates worldwide that may use such Personal Information for the purposes listed in this Privacy Policy, but also agree to treat it in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
Your Personal Information may therefore be transferred to countries with a different level of data protection than the country from where you have submitted your Personal Information.
Your Personal Information may be disclosed to third parties if we are required to do so because of applicable law, legal proceedings, or responding to court, law enforcement, governmental, or other legal requests, or if such disclosure is otherwise necessary for the support of any criminal or other legal investigation or proceeding here or abroad, or because of an overriding interest of Axionic. We will not rent or sell your Personal Information to third parties.
Your Personal Information may also be disclosed to third parties, including abroad, who act for us or on our behalf, for further processing in accordance with the purpose(s) for which the data were initially collected. Your Personal Information may be lawfully processed by third parties for service delivery (e.g., evaluating the website's usefulness, marketing, data management, or technical support). These third parties may only process your Personal Information the same way Axionic is permitted to process it.

Information You and We Share

You share your information as you use and communicate through our Services, and we share your information to help us operate, provide, improve, understand, customize, support, and market our Services.

Send Your Information to Those with Whom You Choose to Communicate: You share your information (including messages) as you use and communicate through our Services.

Information Associated with Your Account: Your phone number, profile name and photo, "about" information, and status are available to anyone who uses our Services, although you can configure your Services settings to manage certain information available to other users, including businesses, with whom you communicate.

Your Contacts and Others: It is possible for the users, including businesses, you communicate with on our Services to save or forward your information, such as your phone number or messages, to others both within and outside our Services. However, you have control over the information you share and the users you communicate with through the use of our Services settings. These tools allow you to manage the information you share and the individuals with whom you communicate on our Services.

Third-Party Service Providers: To operate and enhance our Services, we collaborate with third-party service providers who assist us in various areas, including technical infrastructure, delivery systems, marketing, customer service, and safety and security. We work together with these companies to improve our Services, understand user needs, and conduct surveys and research.
When we share your information with third-party service providers for these purposes, we ensure that they only use your information based on our instructions and terms of use. We require them to maintain the confidentiality of your information and handle it with utmost care, just as we do. This allows us to provide better and more personalized services while maintaining the safety and integrity of our users and others.

5. Links to other websites

This Privacy Policy applies only to the Axionic mobile application and website and not to websites owned by third parties. We may provide links to other websites that may interest you.
However, due to the nature of the Internet, we cannot guarantee the privacy standards of such websites.
This Privacy Policy is not intended to be applicable to any linked, non-Axionic website. Whenever you open a link to other websites, you should exercise caution and read the privacy policies of the website in question.

6. Cookies

When you visit one of our websites, we may store some data on your computer in the form of a "cookie."
A "cookie" is a small piece of text that a website places in your browser's cookie file, allowing the websites to recognize your personal computer the next time you visit the websites.
This means that when you visit one of our websites, our web server automatically records your IP address, the website from which you came onto our websites, and the type of browser software you are using. It also records which websites you visit, on what date, and for how long. Such information is used to help us improve the contents of the websites and to compile, for internal and market research purposes, anonymous aggregated statistics about the use of our websites.
Cookies alone do not tell us your e-mail address or identify you personally. Cookies cannot be used to run programs or deliver viruses to your computer. Axionic only uses cookies in accordance with applicable laws.
Please ensure that your computer setting reflects whether you accept cookies or have disabled or deactivated them. You can set your browser to warn you before accepting such tracking technology, or you can also set it to refuse such devices.
The specific instructions can be found in the manual of your browser. However, please be aware that disabling or deactivating such devices may result in a reduced availability of our website's services, or parts of our websites may no longer function correctly.
For further information on cookies, visit

7. Security

We take the security of your data very seriously and implement measures to protect it from unauthorized access, loss, or disclosure. We consider the sensitivity of the information we collect, process, and store, as well as the latest technology, when implementing these measures. We have obtained internationally recognized security certifications. However, due to the nature of communication and information technology, we cannot guarantee that information transmitted over the Internet or stored on our system, mobile app or otherwise in our care will be completely safe from intrusion by others.

8. Data Retention

We follow data retention guidelines based on a customer's instructions, as well as the requirements of applicable laws. The retention settings for Customer Data can be customized and applied at various levels. Different settings may also be applied to specific types of Customer Data. Deleting Customer Data and discontinuing use of the Services may result in the deletion or de-identification of associated Other Information.

Other Information about you may be retained by us for as long as necessary to provide the Services and support you, including any optional features you use. After deactivating your account, we may continue to retain your Other Information to pursue legitimate business interests, comply with legal obligations, conduct audits, resolve disputes, and enforce agreements.

9. Social Media Plugins

Social Bookmarks (for example, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, or LinkedIn) allow users of specific social media platforms to post links to selected Axionic websites on their corresponding social media profiles to bookmark them or share them with their social media contacts.
Axionic websites may contain social bookmarks which are identifiable by means of respective share buttons.
Opening one of our websites may result in social bookmarks setting cookies on your computer and, if you have subscribed to a social media platform, permit its operators to track your usage of the sites unless you have disabled or deactivated the acceptance and storage of cookies in your browser settings.
If you use the "share" buttons on our websites, you will be directed to websites controlled by "Add This" and "Share This." We have no control over the cookies that "Add This" and" Share This" set when you use their services. However, you can opt-out of cookies and cookies.
If you use social bookmarks, you will be sending identifiable information to the respective social media platform. Any comments or activity arising from persons using Social Bookmarks is not controlled or endorsed by Axionic.
Axionic shall not be held responsible or liable for such. Persons who share Axionic's content via social bookmarks are not authorized to speak for or represent Axionic. Their views and opinions must be strictly regarded as their own, not Axionic's.
Further, the provisions in Axionic's "Terms and Conditions" and this "Privacy Policy" relating to Links also apply to Social Bookmarks.

10. Age Limitations

To comply with applicable laws, the use of our Services, mobile application and website is restricted to individuals who are 16 years of age or older. If you become aware that someone younger than 16 has provided us with personal information in violation of this policy, please let us know and we will promptly remove such information from our records.

11. Web analytics | Opt-out

Our Sites use Google Analytics and Adobe Analytics, and Adobe Target.
Google Analytics and Adobe Analytics are used to measure website usage, collect non-identifiable and aggregate information to improve our websites' contents, or compile anonymous aggregated statistics about individuals using our websites for internal and market research purposes. The relevant data is provided to us by Google and/or Adobe in the aggregate (i.e., individual users are not identified) and allows us to better understand our website's audience.
By way of example, the Google Analytics and/or Adobe Analytics features implemented by us allow us.
(i) To evaluate and generate reports on specific demographic, behavioral, and interest metrics of users collected by Google, and
(ii) To create advertising remarketing audiences and campaigns based on such metrics, which may be segmented into aggregated groups.
In addition, our websites use Adobe Target to personalize your experience on our websites. Adobe Target does not store your IP address or any personal information. Adobe Target uses IP addresses only during your visit to our websites.
If you do not wish to have your visits to our websites tracked by Adobe Analytics, you can opt out by using the following Link: Opt-out of from Adobe analytics.
Similarly, you can opt out of Google Analytics for Display Advertising and customize Google Display Network ads using the Ads Settings form at
You may opt out of Adobe Target by using the following link:

Opt-Out of Adobe Target

Our websites may use additional marketing tools and technologies. These tools allow us to monitor the web activity of leads and customer contacts to identify the topics they are interested in and pre-qualify leads for sales. These tools also help us to understand which issues might be relevant in a sales conversation or which content to provide. If you do not wish to you have visited our websites tracked by our marketing tools, you can opt-out by using the following link:

Opt-out of marketing tools

12. Security measures to protect your Personal Information

Axionic uses appropriate security measures to protect your Personal Information against unauthorized access or alteration, accidental or intentional manipulation, loss, and destruction.

13. Changes to our privacy policy

We may in any way, at any time, for any reason, without prior notice and at our discretion modify, add, remove, or otherwise update this Privacy Policy as well as the information and materials contained on the websites. We will place any updates on this webpage. The last line of this Privacy Policy indicates when the Policy was last updated.

14. How to contact us

If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy or the Personal Information we hold about you, please get in touch with us at